Deep Tech  Moat: A Wave of Innovations


Since last decade, a powerful wave of innovation based on digital platforms and applications has emerged and become synonymous with the IT sector. Investors and businesses are currently seeking the next source of profound technological advances (deep tech) that will fuel the next industrial revolution. Deep-tech innovations are defined as disruptive solutions based on exclusive, protected, or difficult-to-replicate technological or scientific developments.

Deep-tech moat refers to the proprietary software or procedures that form the basis of a technology-driven company. These trade secrets may include unique solutions to difficult technological issues, new ideas, new processes, and new procedures, as well as, in the future, patents protecting the produced intellectual property (IP). Over time, a company’s intellectual property may transform from a particular engineering solution to cumulative operating knowledge or insight into a process.

What makes Deep-tech different?

Deep-tech, in general, is about working on things that were never considered feasible. Such companies would either bring a complete shift in the existing market dynamics, disruption in multiple industries, or the creation of a new industry in itself. 

It’s hard to define deep-tech, because of the diversity it entails. Companies like OpenAI, InstaDeep, etc. are working on building AI based solutions. SpaceX, Blue Origin, etc. have captivated the imagination of the public. Rigetti Computing, IBM etc. are working on making quantum computing accessible.  Others engage in what was once science fiction (For instance, self-driving cars by Tesla, Google, etc.). Others work in sectors that are difficult to define, such as synthetic biology, quantum computing, etc., where long-term solutions to illnesses, climate change, and other challenges are actively being developed. Such wide scope means that deep-tech can be witnessed anywhere, and can fundamentally change how we do things. 

Successful deep technology businesses combine different abilities (such as scientists, engineers, and businesspeople) to tackle a problem. Frequently, they design brand-new technologies since no current technology provides a complete solution to the issue at hand. In certain circumstances, however, success is contingent upon the creation of new applications for proven technology. Boom Supersonic, for instance, is developing a supersonic aircraft utilising only technology with well-established certification pathways and shown safety. And Seaborg Technologies is working on the construction of nuclear power stations driven by small molten salt reactors, a concept that dates back decades.

Four Complementary Attributes for deep tech ventures

Few things that can help us identify deep-tech ventures are listed below:

  1. They are problem-focused. The fact that 97% of deep tech initiatives contribute to at least one of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals demonstrates that their focus is on fixing huge and fundamental concerns.
  2. They utilise the convergence of technologies. 96% of high-tech businesses employ at least two technologies, and 66% employ more than one sophisticated technology. Approximately 70% of high-tech businesses hold patents on their innovations.
  3. In general, deep tech ventures primarily build tangible items as opposed to software. In reality, 83% of deep tech businesses are engaged in the development of a tangible product. The innovation equation is shifting from bits to bits and atoms, bringing the power of data and computation to the physical world.
  4. They are at the heart of a complex ecosystem. There are over 1,500 institutions and research institutes working in deep technology, and deep technology ventures got approximately 1,500 government grants in 2018.

3 Levels of Tech: Where Does It Get Deep?

What is deep tech exactly and how do you know if technology is deep? It is an umbrella term and many technological advancements might be deemed as such under the right circumstances. Space tech, computer vision systems, natural language processing, and even the wildest developments that look like something out of a sci-fi novel can be considered deep technologies. However, not all the advanced technologies and digital solutions are deep, no matter how groundbreaking and awesome they might seem. In most cases, these solutions address issues that we already know how to deal with or just make a couple of quick fixes and twitches to already existing solutions. Let’s break it down.

1.    Shallow tech

A technology that offers a slightly better alternative to what we already know of and uses widely is not deep. Imagine a hypothetical digital solution that helps a business manage its online marketplace with increased efficiency and profit. This solution might be quite good, better than any other solution of its kind. It might offer some unique features never seen before and be really innovative for what it is. But at the end of the day, does it have a substantial impact on the market, the state of technology, and the world in general? 

2.    Deep tech

Deep tech looks beyond the immediate fixes and rather attempts to address the problems on a much more profound level. In some cases, it looks even further and tries to address challenges that we did not even face just yet.

3.    It gets even deeper

This is where we get into what we would call hardcore deep tech. This encompasses futuristic technologies we have a general idea of but don’t have the required knowledge or resources to build. Manned missions to Mars, spacecraft that mine asteroids, neurochips that regenerate damaged brain cells, real thinking AI, quantum computers, more effective and less harmful cancer treatment techniques – all of that and more are in the realm of possibility but still require years of technological progress and billions in investment. 

Hardcore technology may appear to be too fantastic to ever become a reality, but it is really something that we will most certainly be able to develop in the not-too-distant future. Even if some of these would take decades to launch, these are actual technologies that will revolutionise our lives in the future. These are inventions that are now being created and will change in the near future. 

How deep tech works for Industry

Deep Technology may provide immense value and will give businesses new competitive advantages. In reality, Deep Technology will displace incumbents in virtually every business. This is due to the fact that the goods and processes resulting from these technologies will be transformative, spawning entirely new sectors or profoundly transforming existing ones.

Early prototypes of items based on Deep Technology are already available. The use of drones, 3-D printers, and syn-bio kits is on the rise, while No Code / Low Code tools are making artificial intelligence more accessible. They are creating additional opportunities for enterprises to mix emerging technology and spark more innovation. Not unexpectedly, incubators and accelerators have sprouted all across the world to promote their growth. Not only are there more Deep Tech startups being founded today, but they are also releasing successful inventions more quickly than in the past.

Examples of Deep Tech

Our team utilises cutting-edge technologies such as AI, machine learning, IoT, and Big Data to realise the vision of our partners. In our experience, investing in technological innovation pays off, despite the fact that its development requires more time and work.

  1. Computer vision solutions for traffic management: Organisations like N-iX developed a computer vision solution for an intelligent transport firm in Australia. Here experts trained the system to recognize and identify vehicles, people, license plate numbers, and specific items using technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. The precise recognition of objects and people on the street improves traffic safety, which has a direct impact on the quality of life for drivers and pedestrians.
  2. Ultrathin solar panels: Solar energy is regarded as one of the most feasible answers to the impending energy crisis, and Ribes Tech is working to make solar panels more lightweight and efficient. They create photovoltaic panels that may be mounted on automobiles, building walls, and even portable electronics. They intend to make small solar panels more economically viable and accessible to the average consumer.
  3. DNA-based tumour therapy: Biotech pharmaceutical businesses, such as Biogenera SpA, create DNA-based drugs for the treatment of cancer. The research on cancer treatment has been ongoing for decades, and biotech companies today appear closer to developing effective alternatives to chemotherapy.
  4. IoT-powered farming platforms: As the global food crisis approaches, more efficient agricultural platforms are required. N-iX develops IoT solutions for agricultural analysis and scouting. The firm employs drones equipped with high-precision photography and sensors to ensure that crops receive the ideal amount of water, nutrients, and care at the optimal moment.


Deep technology is the fundamental enabler of progress, scientific discovery, and economic and social expansion in the future. Almost everything you use on a daily basis without even realising it was once a technological innovation. From electricity to the internet, automobiles, and aircraft to spacecraft, all of these were once considered cutting-edge technologies. These innovations may have been viewed with scepticism or even derision at first, but they eventually changed the world and made the pioneers wealthy.

Investment in technology is essential for the evolution of humanity. We believe that technology can address the majority, if not all, of our current challenges. Using sophisticated technologies, climate change, food shortage, healthcare concerns, the energy crisis, and other problems can be resolved or mitigated. N-iX places a significant emphasis on technologies such as IoT, AI, machine learning, and big data. Our sincere aspiration is for a vibrant technological community that utilises the most recent innovations not just for financial benefit but also for the betterment of the planet.

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